Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Well today is historic. We have finally seen a black man become president of the United States. Other than that... not much. I'm waiting to see if Obama's "stimulus" package or TARP goes through and how much it will cost. I'm going to keep my eye on the exchange rates for the next few months and if I see inflation is going to hit, I might just move to the Swiss Franc.

Obama's speech was pretty good. His oratory skills are excellent and he seemed pretty confident. But the message, not so much. More market intervention? Puhlease. We don't need more regulation, what we need is in fact less regulation. Let's do something with the Federal Reserve and use the Swiss National Bank as more of a model. It's partially private, partially public. Let's not spend our way out of this recession, rather let's let the cycle work itself out and allow people to save their money and by the end of it all the economy would be much stronger. But that won't happen with the military Keynesians in power. Forever hoping to expand the US Empire and government control of the economy, not to mention the people.

Obama also said that terrorists hate us basically because we're free and then went on to extend a hand to the Muslim world. Unless we reevaluate the consequences of our foreign policy and thoroughly reform it, the Muslim world will never except the hand of the US. This mean withdrawal from both Iraq and Afghanistan and our 700+ bases around the globe. It's time to move on from the Cold War and thinking up new enemies to face in order to keep the Military Industrial Complex going.

Am I optimistic? Not so much. I'm bracing for the worst.

At least Obama is a soccer fan, although a supporter of the wrong club, West Ham United (Fulham is my English club). Rumors are that the DC Scum are trying to get him to come to the opening match of the season at RFK and have a whole extravaganza. Haha. They're still waiting to get permission to build a new stadium. Dumbasses.

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