Thursday, March 5, 2009

Faux News and MSNBC

All of a sudden Faux News is talking about revolution and how evil Obama is with his massive spending bills and socialist economic views. Meanwhile, MSNBC is cheering on Obama and rarely questioning him (only Rachel Maddow on occassion). It seems the two news networks have switched places. Fox News never questioned Bush's National Socialist policies, while MSNBC was going out of their way to demonize the entire Republican party, while maintaining their corporate liberal pro-state stance. But now the Republicans are out of power, and GE, who owns MSNBC, just received a government bailout. Now I'm suddenly hearing assholes like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh yelling about why we need smaller government while Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews go on and on about why we need more troops in Afghanistan and this "stimulus" package.

There's a reason I watch al-Jazeera.

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